Transforming Ideas into Successful Businesses

We empower entrepreneurs to build the future


Today’s innovation is tomorrow’s foundation

As entrepreneurs, we have the ideas to change the world, but resources are harder to find.
We know because we’ve been there, and now we want to help you.

Save Time

Stop wasting hours on
inefficient choices

Lower Cost

Stop spending money on
the wrong things

Reduce Effort

Stop back breaking on
low value tasks

PuttPush is here to streamline your business journey

By 2026, 85% of Enterprises will combine human expertise with AI ~ IDC

Will yours be one of them?


Clear education and targeted action


We identify

bottlenecks to growth


We create

roadmaps to success


We solve

problems worth solving

The Entrepreneur's Blueprint

Whether you’re starting-up or scaling-up, it will give you a push in the right direction


Support for


PuttPush is made by entrepreneurs for entrepreneurs

Built for you to benefit from our team’s collective wisdom.

We’re a rare breed, let’s stick together.

Not sure what’s best for you?

Answer below and we’ll tell you

The Entrepreneur Blueprint

Whether you’re starting-up or scaling-up, it will give you a push in the right direction